ACE Project Systems

Tools for better Project control, making your life easier

About Rod Gill and ACE Project Systems

"ACE Project Systems is completely focused on delivering the best project planning and scheduling services and support for Microsoft Project (including VBA development and advanced scheduling) available anywhere in the world. We also pride ourselves on delivering project management training that really works."

Contact Rod Gill

Phone: 021 623878
Address: Level 6, BDO Tower
19-21 Como Street

Rod Gill - Founder

Rod Gill My name is Rod Gill; I am the founder of ACE Project Systems and have been involved with Project Management all my working life. My career started in Civil Engineering, swapped to Software Engineering in 1980 and then moved to consulting and training services. I am also one of 60 Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) worldwide for Project - recognition for the help and expertise I provide on Microsoft's Project forums. I constantly research better ways of managing projects, especially smaller projects in a multi-project environment. Just what every organisation in New Zealand has!

ACE Project Systems Ltd

ACE Project Systems adds value to its customers by knowing the latest methodologies and tools for managing Projects and Programs of Projects from around the world and how to apply them to New Zealand organisations.

ACE Project Systems is clearly based on Rod Gill's skills and experience, but it also has strong working relationships with other companies to provide a fuller range of services and a greater capacity for those larger projects.

Rod Gill - Outlook .vcf business card

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