Project Scheduling - Planning Contractors for your Projects

ACE Project Systems provides project scheduling and planning contracting services for all industries: from refinery upgrades to ERP implementations to outsourcing projects and more. If you need help scheduling a complex project, we can do it. Apart from our own resources we have links to other organisations to make sure we can meet your needs.

We provide the following services for you (Click on headings below for details):

Time Critical Project Planning

Our specialty is scheduling time critical projects, the more complex the better! To help your project succeed we provide:

  • An audited critical path so you know clearly what has to be achieved each week so you finish on time.
    This is vital because most projects aren't just late at the end, they're late at the start.
  • A weekly report on what changes happened over the week compared to the previous week.
  • Reports by work stream or contractor or whatever you need.
  • For Resource loaded schedules a Who Does What When weekly breakdown of work in Excel.
The more complex and critical the project the more we can help you.
Email now For scheduling help.

So what does a good Schedule/Plan do for you?

Your business case should define and communicate what will make your project successful.
A good schedule helps you plan and communicate how a project will be and is being completed successfully.

So what ACE Project Systems offers is a service to develop a plan for your project's success and to customise Microsoft Project to provide effective communications on what is needed to deliver that success and what progress towards project success is being made.

A good schedule should also provide 80% of the information needed for automating weekly and monthly plans. Email now to discuss what will help your projects succeed better.

What you get with our Scheduling and Planning Services

With each schedule you will get:

  • A comprehensive schedule that communicates how the project will be successfully delivered
  • An audited critical path so you know what you have do when if finishing on time is important
  • Levelled resource workload
  • Easy to read reports
  • If needed, extra reports in Excel such as an easy to use Who Does What When pivot table
  • Through Rod Gill, Project VBA macros, if needed, to automate reporting or any other repetitive process to save time and improve data accuracy
  • Update process that clearly communicates just what has changed each week
  • A well tracked schedule so that there is a clear understanding of what needs to be done next and by when.

If it can be done with Microsoft Project, we know how to do it, or if not our links directly into Microsoft and with the other Project MVPs will know how.

Schedule Audits

If your organisation relies on good schedules to help progress your projects, or you rely on quality information in your schedules for reporting purposes, We can audit your schedules and provide advice and training on how to improve the quality of schedules to match your business needs and provide automation of processes if required.

Multi-Project Freebies

Depending on the value of the contract, as a freebie, Rod will provide for the project free use of our ProjectReporter tool. ProjectReporter is a low cost, low maintenance high added-value tool that will fast track effective project tracking and reporting for your projects.
Read more on ProjectReporter here.

Schedule / Plan Creation

We are very skilled at creating schedules that help you communicate and collaborate with your team and stakeholders for great results. If you don't need our skills directly, consider the Scheduling and Project Master Class training courses to get your team up to speed. These courses will improve your scheduling and project maturity and productivity.

Email now to discuss your consulting or contracting needs.